
Your Home Inspection...
And How To Make The Most Of It!

The Inspection Process

Upon Arriving at the home, you will meet with your inspector. Generally, the inspection follows a standard procedure designed to make the most of the time available. The major systems and/or components are usually inspected in the following order starting with the exterior components and the roofing system. From there, then into the basement where the structure, electrical, heating/cooling, plumbing systems are inspected. From there interior components are covered, with the attic space left until last. Ideally you should remain on hand so that the inspector can easily share and discuss any major repair items, or maintenance concerns that are uncovered, and any questions can be addressed as needed. An opportunity for an overall question/answer period will be made available when the report is presented at the end of the inspection.

Concluding The Inspection

Once your inspector has completed the inspection, he will need some time to finish writing the computer generated report. Delivering a detailed and complete report is a vital part of the inspection. The report will then be presented to you and your Realtor if applicable. The inspector will go over the report with you and will address any remaining questions you might have. Payment is required at this time. The inspector will then make a final pass through the home to make sure it's left in its original state.

Information The Home Inspector Should Know

Providing your home inspector with some key information will, ultimately, help to make sure you get the most out of your home inspection. Some things you should tell your inspector are: How many people will be living in the house? Are any of them elderly or children? Are you planning to renovate? Will you undertake your own repairs, or hire a professional? Are you planning on constructing a basement apartment? Has the agent or seller disclosed any information about the home and/or its related systems? Has the seller made available warranties, past permits, or instruction manuals; or made claims or warranted any system or component of the home (i.e. the basement -or roof - does not leak)?

A Home Inspection Is…

A home inspection is, basically, a comprehensive visual inspection of the common components and systems of the home, with the focus being on uncovering the major problems that may exist on the day of the inspection. Although minor repairs and maintenance items may be found while searching for major items, they are included in the report only as a courtesy, and are not the primary focus of the inspection. It should be pointed out that the inspector, in the limited time available, can not hope to uncover each and every item that may need repair or servicing. The type of inspection necessary to ensure that all defects are found would involve the dismantling of every component and system in the house, would take many days to complete, and would likely cost thousands of dollars.

A Home Inspection Is Not…

It is also important to understand what a home inspection is not. A home inspection is not, in any way, a warranty, a guarantee,
A certification, an appraisal, a by-law inspection, an insurance inspection, an engineering analysis or a building code inspection.

For More Information

We hope this information has answered some of the questions and/or concerns you may have. If you require more information about our company, or the home inspection process in general, please feel free to call or email us at your convenience.


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